BRIDGES is a non-governmental and over-confessional organization which brings together people of faith from different religious traditions represented in Bulgaria. The main goal of the forum is to be a platform for dialogue for the Christian denominations and to present and popularize the peaceful model of co-existence between Orthodox Christianity and Islam in the country. In their future work they will be guided by the following basic principles and goals: to reinforce the contacts between different religious communities in Bulgaria and to create basis of interreligious and intercultural dialogue; to enhance understanding and mutual respect among members of different religions traditions; to bring together people from different religious experiences and ethnic backgrounds to help understand diversity; to create contacts with men and women of different religious communities in Bulgaria and in Eastern European countries; and to promote the tolerance and the equality between men and women in the professional domain and especially in the theological domain – teaching and research. Bulgaria is at a crossroads of civilizations and religion is a bridge connecting Christianity with Islam. That is why BRIDGES believes a forum for dialogue should emerge to bring together different religious groups and traditions.