URI-Europe: To pretend to be someone you are not

13 January 2015

To pretend to be someone you are not? Unsustainable!

When you constantly have to push yourself to the limit, you become overstressed. She is a a model that is never allowed to enjoy life to the full. His ambition requests of him that his constant desire to do something, governs him. A lot of energy is lost in trying to be someone you are not. You want others to believe that you are someone you cannot or do not want to be.

The aversion from artificial perfection increases.

Because it cannot be sustained. It undermines the originality in you. You lose out on 'life'. By masking yourself continuously, you wipe the floor with yourself. The most unique part of yourself, your personality and thus who you really are, deserves better.

So relax.

Do you love authenticity? Of course and it goes without saying, because it emanates peace and relaxation. Even if a piece may be missing. With a good cup of tea and a little candlelight it won't be noticed. And why not? Because at times like this the essential takes the upper hand in people. Who you are. Which means that what makes you 'you', what is real, that which means something to others and on which they can build.

To be two-faced is really tiring. One face is enough. A hidden meaning and trying to be someone you are not, demands too much energy. Only relationships based on authenticity create relaxed, durable and workable relations between people. Be yourself entirely. That is exactly what others need of you. Ultimately it is not about what you have or do not have, but about who you really are

Movement without a Name (MWN / BZN) CC and URI Europe wish to contribute to a better world in a substantial manner. We want to set an example and have therefore introduced the URI Europe proverbs. They are meant to inspire and spark conversation. You can subscribe to the URI Europe monthly proverbs for free. Click here to find out more.