Interkultureller Kreis URI Bonn CC

Opening minds and looking at things from different perspectives in Bonn
"Our purpose is to respect people of other faiths and cultural backgrounds, to learn from each other and to deepen the understanding."
Baha'i, Christianity, Humanism, Islam
Catholic, Evangelical
Number of Members
Bonn, Germany
Joined URI Network

The city of Bonn has many inhabitants who have come from abroad to study and eventually live in Germany. This group was formed in 2012 by Muslims, Christians (Catholics and Evangelicals), Bahá'ís, and Humanists from different countries and cultural backgrounds. They meet monthly to get to know each other, to learn from each other, to discuss problems or actual topics and to join cultural events. They aim to open their minds and to look at things from different points of view. They ran three major projects in recent years: first, a school project in collaboration with the URI Global Youth Program and Matthew Youde introducing training for understanding and peace building at a high school in Bonn; second, a “Rooms of Silence” project in which people of all faiths can pray in hospitals and clinics for rehabilitation; finally, a “Sounds of Faith” photo-exhibition by the Indonesian photo artist Jane Duncker under the context of the “Bonn Week of Cultures” on November 2014. The whole project also included reading and music performances.


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