Our community is working tirelessly to bring peace and justice in all areas of the world regardless of religion. Read stories straight from the organizers.
Last Sunday, Bishop William Swing, Founding Trustee and President Emeritus, delivered a sermon at Grace Cathedral, in San Francisco.
In his words: "Next week, we will elect a president of the United States. Among the myriad responsibilities that go with the office, none is of greater magnitude than the use of nuclear weapons."
Between August and September 2021, the URI AL&C Online Youth Training organized by the URI Global Program for the participation of youth was developed with the intervention of 15 young people from the CCs: Aflaiai, Constructores de Puentes, Teusaquillo, Mukua, Quinaroes , COEMATI, The Descendants of Guatemaya, Samay, ACRE from the countries: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Panama and Venezuela.
Mar 07, 2016. March 8 is International Women's Day. You may be interested in watching the program described below that will show the observance at the United Nations. Know that you will be represented at this event by URI representatives.
Mar 07, 2016. At a time when stereotypes and media hype are increasing the ever widening divide between the Middle East and West, creating growing misconceptions and apprehensions about each other, THE KEY, a strategic East-West art exhibition-installation, is being launched to change perceptions and speak directly to the global unconscious.
This event brought 80 people from different religions and cultures together through a dialogue interaction and sport; all under the theme titled “Love of God and love of the Neighbour”.