Cooperation Circles

A URI Cooperation Circle is a self-organizing group of at least seven members who follow three or more faith traditions - including atheists agnostics and humanists - taking any kind of action to create cultures of peace, justice, and healing

Learn how to become a Cooperation Circle.

1205 Results

Euro-Asia CC

"Our purpose is to encourage people in the region to unite in the name of the common good and to promote interfaith cooperation between people of all races, cultures, social status. We also wish to share our Siberian heritage and in turn, learn about other nations."

Faces of Peace Kenya

"Our purpose is to promote peace, sustainable community development, and environmental protection. Our mission is to bring together and unify people of different backgrounds to a common ground, creating an understanding and appreciation for socio-economic development and prosperity."

Faith Ecology Network

"Our purpose: to share mutual appreciation of religious traditions regarding ecological insights; to discern and foster religious reasons for environmental advocacy; and to strengthen the dialogue of science and religion between different faith groups, professionals and the community."

Faiths Together Uganda

"Our purpose: to promote inter-spiritual values; harmonize the different minority faiths; advocate for respect, transparency, and fairness; and eliminate corrupt and compromised practices that create indifferences among the different faiths in the world. In addition to the above, we promote equal and significant opportunities for all, while encouraging worthwhile participation of different communities as key players in numerous activities and initiatives that have a bearing on their wellbeing as people of faith thus fostering sustainable development."

Family Peace to Family Association

"Our purpose: to assist and support the family unit by helping parents realize the impact of family on their children's character; to teach the youth to value the benefits of a good marriage; to build the capacity of married couples to appreciate and respect the institution of marriage; and to build the capacity of the already existing institutions dealing with the issues arising in the family in Ethiopia."

Friendship Among Cultures in Turkey

"Our purpose: to promote understanding among cultural traditions in Turkey; to enable dialogue and cooperation among faith and cultural groups in Turkey; to combat prejudices and discrimination towards the cultural "others" in Turkey; to be a local messenger and arm to the URI in the country and encourage the creation of Cooperation Circles (CCs) in Turkey; and to reach out to foreigners living in Turkey and engage them in activities about intercultural dialogue in the country."