
“URI is committed to the equitable participation of women and men in all aspects of our organization.” - URI Principle 8
WASH Alliance Women's Building Class

Many Cooperation Circles are devoted to projects for women, which focus on issues like leadership, domestic violence prevention and counseling, job and skills training, gender equality, education, and preventing female infanticide.

Examples of our work in this Action Area:

  • TRUST WIN, a URI group based in Jerusalem, brought 30 Christian, Druze, Jewish, and Muslim women together at a therapeutic mineral bath. As they relaxed in the warm water, they discussed each other’s backgrounds free of judgment. “We gave each other water massages, sat and shared fruit and water together, and shed our cares with our clothes,” a participant said. Women spoke the lethal violence just that morning in Jerusalem. “We recognized that we all have friends and loved ones who have died, been wounded, imprisoned in the ongoing conflict.” They offered prayers for peace from their different faiths. For many of the women, it was the first time they had made a friend from a different religion. Not only did they plan future meetings, but they also inspired onlookers. “An ultra-orthodox woman from Bnei Brak said she was impressed and encouraged to see our camaraderie and ease together. She invited us to come to her neighborhood.”
  • In Pakistan, Action Against Poverty CC members educate women in remote, rural areas about their rights and give them the resources they need to leave abusive situations.
  • In upstate New York, USA, Women Transcending Boundaries held a Women's Iftar meal where five panelists of different religious backgrounds discussed their traditions, leading to interfaith friendships and collaborations as the women realized their similarities.
Search for Cooperation Circles (CCs) with a focus on Women


Carrier Building Workshop for Female Youth by PCSW&HR

Pakistan Council for Social Welfare & Human Rights (PCSW&HR) is executing the project “Economic Empowerment of Women through vocational, life skills, cultivation for kitchen gardening and Computer training” at Rawalakot AJ&K with the collaboration of its counterpart OBOS_Caritas Seoul Korea. PCSW&HR organized the carrier building workshop for the learners of computer literacy centre at Khaigala. 

Jayanti - PEACE CC (West Zone, India) brings together diversified group during janamasthami celebrations.

India is a land of diversified culture, traditions and religions, still when it comes to joyous festival celebrations; they appear as an amalgamated homogeneous group symbolizing only one family.  All differences melt away smoothly when happiness and joy that accompanies a festival celebration capture the hearts of all the participants.  

Observing this wonderful trend of bridging different cultures, some of our PEACE CC members (Mr. Millindar and family and Prema) took initiative to celebrate Janamasthami that brought together different groups and tradition consisting of youth, women, men, senior citizens from Sikh, Hindus and parsis.