Cooperation Circles

A URI Cooperation Circle is a self-organizing group of at least seven members who follow three or more faith traditions - including atheists agnostics and humanists - taking any kind of action to create cultures of peace, justice, and healing

Learn how to become a Cooperation Circle.

448 Results

20 Million Women Strong

20 Million Women Strong (#20MWS) is a movement around the world for children, families, and the Earth, born of the conviction that, when women stand up together, change happens! Now is the time to create a shift in the consciousness that determines the condition of women, children, families, and the Earth!

A Better Community for All Pakistan (ABC4ALL)

"Our purpose is to seek hope, peace and harmony in the world; to promote interfaith dialogue and reconciliation; to maximize charitable contributions locally and globally; to create sustainable development for suffering communities; to save children from oppression and protect their rights to education and health care; to empower youth and women; to increase awareness of health concerns including HIV/AIDS; to end the violation of human rights; to eliminate poverty; to confront climate and environmental issues and thereby work towards a healthy, sustainable planet."

Abhigyane Foundation

"Our motto is Freedom through Education. We provide stationary, books, and library facilities to children in need. We also offer free-minded learning through educational trips, and try to make education more enjoyable. We run workshops in slum areas, orphanages, and for physically disabled groups to nurture the talent of students from lesser economically developed sections. Education is the most powerful weapon which we can use to change the world with peace and harmony."