Cooperation Circles

A URI Cooperation Circle is a self-organizing group of at least seven members who follow three or more faith traditions - including atheists agnostics and humanists - taking any kind of action to create cultures of peace, justice, and healing

Learn how to become a Cooperation Circle.

1205 Results

Reseau Culturel SANGWA

"Our purpose: to build peace in a way that is sustainable over many years; to empower women to become self-reliant; to work towards reconciliation; and to advocate for the establishment of human rights within communities."

Rohini CC

"Our purpose: to promote Gandhian values of communal harmony, non-violence and peace; to fight against untouchability; and to work towards education for girls and women, healthcare, water sanitation, and proper hygiene."

Roots CC

"Our purpose is to work for peace building, tolerance and interfaith harmony around the principles of social justice, acceptance, diversity and socio-cultural pluralism of all communities. We also aim to engage youth and promote interfaith actions through dialogues and consultations."

Sadhana URI Sindhanur Raichur Karnataka

We, people of Raichur District Karnataka with diverse religions, spiritual expressions and indigenous traditions throughout the world, hereby join the United Religions Initiative network to promote enduring, daily interfaith cooperation, to end religiously motivated violence and to create cultures of peace, justice and healing for the Earth and all living beings.